The Little Aussie Friends collection is a series of six adorable baby Australian animal illustrations. The series includes a kangaroo, wombat, koala, platypus, echidna and kookaburra, each supported by a wreath of Australian flora.

The highly detailed animal illustrations were created digitally using Adobe Photoshop, while the background elements were sketched in pencil before scanning and combining with the digital artwork.

The Little Aussie Friends have been my first foray into licensing and they have been well received by customers. So far they have been adapted into Mugs & Giftware, Fabric and Greeting Cards.

Prints can be purchased from my Online Store (AU Only).

If you are a potential licensor looking to license my work, you can view my Licensing Catalogue here or, please get in touch via the Contact page.

Picture of Little Aussie Friends article showing baby Australian animal tableware product group shot
Picture of Little Aussie Friends article showing baby Australian animal tableware kangaroo product group shot
Picture of Little Aussie Friends article showing baby Australian animal tableware wombat product group shot
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